Meeting Place

Our families are all over the World I have created this space as a Family meeting place--it is part of an ongoing homeschool study done by myself and my children

Taranaki Whenua


John Dennis Geary(pākehā)son of William Snr and Charlotte Dovey

John Dennis Geary was born in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham, England in 1830.

His father and grandfather (William and Thomas, respectively) were sentenced in 1831 for stealing grain, and were transported to Tasmania (arrived 1833), and then later went to New Zealand (arrived 1836) then Otago in 1843.

John Dennis Geary was a stocking weaver by trade. He was 29 years old (1859) when he immigrated to New Zealand (on the "Alpine") to join his father, William Senior, and brother, William Junior.

John and William Junior were the first settlers in the area of Wickliffe Bay, Otago.

On 8th March 1865 John married Mary Duguid, a Scottish immigrant from Aberdeenshire, at Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. They had eleven children.

About 1884, John, a dairy farmer, successfully exported cheese to Australia and England before any factories were erected. It is also claimed that he was the first dairyman in NZ to own a cream separator.

John moved up from the South Island (Dunedin) to Taranaki. He bought 650 acres at Meremere in the 1890's and then 1100 acres at Manutahi in 1907. The road through the Manutahi farm is still called Geary Rd. Most of Manutahi was sold after his death to satisfy the daughters' inheritances and then Meremere went to Thomas, and the remnant of Manutahi went to James (eventually farmed by Robert).


Death of William Geary his Will & he loved Ata

William Geary 

1800 - 21 November 1866
Your Memory Lives On

Will of William Geary

click to enlarge

Matters of the Heart a history a history of Interracial Marriages in New Zealand
by angela wanhalla

There is a book that has been written that talks of loving relationships between Maori & Pakeha marriages
William and Etahi known as Ata are mentioned in this book

Art Works of Etahi Taputai

we do not actually know what kuia (grandmother) etahi looks like ,so we painted and drew pictures of what she might have looked like

Geary Farmhouses

Annie Emily Geary(brownie) (aged 19)with her sister Peggy Geary(aged 17yrs) and little Brother Stan Geary outside Geary Farmhouse approx 1916( assuming Stan is 5 in this picture)


Annie Geary, daughter of John (Hone Kere ) Geary pictured with husband William McCartney and James McCartney (Williams father)
They farmed and lived at the top of Weir Rd, Portobello.
Known to be self suffecient with a milking cow, pigs and an amazing vegetable garden.

site of old homestead 

view out to papanui inlet

Land Farmed by The Geary Family


William  Geary senior plot 173, 103 acres

William Geary  junior plot 207, 64 acres

John Geary plot 158, 81 acres
all the land I have marked to the left of the screen is listed under William Geary..personally i think this is William snr older english born son as it is well known he farmed thru Wickliffe bay..they are 10 and 20 acre blocks

Recreation of William Geary Senior

 This is a recreation of William Snr it is taken from his Police picture drawn when he was arrested..I wanted to show him a little more life like..

The Children of William Geary and Charlotte Dovey

Sarah Geary (pākehā) 1825 -1900
Elizabeth Geary (pākehā)1826-1883

William Geary (pākehā) 1828-1901

John Dennis Geary(pākehā)