Meeting Place

Our families are all over the World I have created this space as a Family meeting place--it is part of an ongoing homeschool study done by myself and my children

Life on the Hulks

A hulk is a decommissioned ship that cannot sail anymore but can stay afloat.

have a read thru this site to get an idea of a day in the life of
 Thomas & William

Convicts perform hard labour at the Woolwich Warren. The hulk on the river is the 'Justitia'. Prisoners were kept on board such ships for months awaiting deportation to Australia. The 'Justitia' was a 260 ton prison hulk that had been originally moored in the Thames when the American War of Independence put a stop to the transportation of criminals to the former colonies. The 'Justitia' belonged to the shipowner Duncan Campbell, who was the Government contractor who organized the prison-hulk system at that time. Campbell was subsequently involved in the shipping of convicts to the penal colony at Botany Bay (in fact Port Jackson, later Sydney, just to the north) in New South Wales, the 'first fleet' going out in 1788.
Both Thomas & William are sent to the Justita,but then the unthinkable,they are separated.

HMS Ganymede
William is sent to Ganymede he is here for approx 1 year
HMS Ganymede was a British prison hulk which was moored in Chatham Harbour in Kent, England. HMS Ganymede was the former French 450 ton frigate Hébé (20 guns, pierced for 34), which, under command of Lieutenant Bretonneuire, was captured by the British frigate Loire on 6 February 1809 while en route from Bordeaux to San Domingo, carrying 600 barrels of flour. Renamed Ganymede, she served with the Royal Navy before being decommissioned. She was converted to a prison hulk in 1819 and later broken up in 1838

and then in 1832 the Jupiter sets sale to Van Dieman's Land