Meeting Place

Our families are all over the World I have created this space as a Family meeting place--it is part of an ongoing homeschool study done by myself and my children

Workman worth his Wage

Both Thomas & William are noted as being Labourers & Stockman
During these times you worked hard &long for very little.

 Economic and social
change in Derbyshire between 1830 and 1850. It maintains that there was a breaking down of the old social order. The composition of the ruling classes was changing with the relative growth of industry. In consequence, the responses of the authorities to social protest were changing. There was an increasing reluctance to offer aid to those less fortunate during times of need.

Crime was a problem, and a significant proportion of the crime statistics stemmed from poaching incidents. Poaching was endemic throughout the county, the game reserves proved to be to irresistible for poachers from Derbyshire and the surrounding counties. All too often the confrontations between poachers and keepers turned to violence, and it was not unknown for this violence to result in the death of one of the two parties. Evidence suggests that the crime of poaching was not seen as a crime by most rural dwellers.
The early nineteenth century was a time of significant social transformation in
population, technology and poor relief. Very few people, whether rich or poor, escaped unscathed from these changes. There were losses of jobs, new working environments, more stringent attempts of social control and attempts by the government to enlarge their sphere of influence.
Industrial workers in Derbyshire when put out of work, facing financial distress and hardship, may have resorted to poaching.
Read thru the links below and you see a bleak picture painted of the state of Derbyshire in and around the time of Thomas & William.

Even children worked hard on the farm from as young as six years old.
Boys would be employed to scare the birds from the crops, guard the livestock from straying, pick hops, sow potatoes and beans, gather mushrooms and herd animals to market.
They would also collect firewood, fill sacks with grain and shred turnips.
With age they would progress to ploughing and other hard physical tasks. At harvest time everyone lent a hand making hay or harvesting crops.
 the Geary children in 1931 where aged 11,9,7,6,5 and most likely they also where put to work,no parent wanted to have there children place in a workhouse.

The Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 was gradually
applied.All a little to late for our grandfathers.