Meeting Place

Our families are all over the World I have created this space as a Family meeting place--it is part of an ongoing homeschool study done by myself and my children

Etahi Taputai

Etahi Taputai 

born approx. 1808 

watercolour painting of what Etahi may have looked like

She was born on the  Hangatahua River(also called Stoney River) near Taranaki
She was from the Nga Mahanga tribe her Canoe was Kurahaupo.

I don't believe Etahi was exchanged for potatoes...I am slightly romantic and I like to believe that young Etahi caught the eye of an older,lonely old whaler named William Geary...In those times it was considered an honour to "marry" a pakeha( copied from tangled threads by Celia Geary)
Etahi was sent off with the gift of her tokotoko by her whanau.