Meeting Place

Our families are all over the World I have created this space as a Family meeting place--it is part of an ongoing homeschool study done by myself and my children

Taranaki Iwi's

The area settled by Nga Mahanga includes Hauranga to Waiweranui, the chiefs of which by 1870 included Porikapa, Motu, Pirinihi, Iharaira, Komene, Rangiruhi and Minarapa.
 The settlement of the Taranaki coastal area by Maori is lost in the distant past.  It is possible that Maori lived in the Oakura area as early as 950AD, with Tini o Taitawaro the centre. These were some of the first Maori settlers. Tribes from the second wave of settlers went further north and were known as Te Atiawa. Tradition has it that the Kurahaupo waka was the first of the planned migration to Aotearoa, led by Whatonga. This was about 1300AD. But when he arrived here, there were already people living in the area. A number of the people on Kurahaupo opted to stay with them while Whatonga went elsewhere. The relevant ancestor on Kurahaupo for the Nga Mahanga hapu was Te Maungaroa. Taranaki state that Te Maungaroa was the captain of the Kurahaupo, but it is possible that this canoe visited twice.